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EndlessFaith's Blog
Today helped out in membership day at church. Some of u guys might not noe wad is it, so let me tell u lol... it is when u are promoted from a OM to MM or MM to EM. Which is good lo lol... wondering when i will get my MM haha... ok today ok la... just help carry table, iron the cloth, remove the blue lint at the white cloth area... then stick the certificate, form and pen on the table lo lol... then after that go to drive through and get bible and go listen to sermon... today sermon quite good la lol... then went down for ministry altar call lo lol... if u are wondering y so summarized is because i very tired lol... kk then after that went to JP to look for cg haha... they eat at kopitiam lol... budget le and food not so fattening except for western food haha... then after that we had our 1st "band" ever pratice at my house lol... u might ask y got the "" thing as i dono confirmed anot haha... then today pratice guitars and vocals lo... then about 7 plus they left then i go cook my own dinner haha... spaghetti! haha... long time no eat liao... haiz... nth to blog le lol... dono wan go watch superband anot le tml... as got frien got tic haha... haiz... one day we might wanna enter the competition haha... btw our band got YQ-drummer, Sam-guitarist, Agnes-vocalist, Jolynn-vocalist and Jessica-vocalist and me-guitarist.. still looking for ppl la... might get christ as a base guitar and maybe jessica or jolynn keyboardist lol... btw i think then band name is "Despite A Thousand Fall"... kinda long huh haha... but i wanna play electric guitar haha... but 1st have to get 1 lo... haiz need save money.. but might get a better acoustic guitar 1st ba... lol see how ba... ok stop here le haha... so gd nite and a good day for u guys tml!
just reached home and bath finish from my usher group outing! Its fun la! lol maybe abit too high... will explain wad happen later lol... woke up early at 7 to prepare as meeting Simon 8.30 for breakfast b4 going for usher leaders briefing... 1st time go la lol abit nervous sia... i went because i'm helping Simon as a interal traffic runner... today ok la... mSimon did not give me so much work to do lol... but the chair arrangement abit slow la... then Simon kana scolding i think... as my side de usher very funny lor... 2 male usher all carry 1 chair at 1 time =.=... but overall ok lo i think haha... as he did not tell me much... then after service went to set up BS room and went to put the hall to maximise floor plan lo... then went to the function room to set up the place... was fun there la.. got alot of games but the brothers good... all that need ppl de all subo me =.=... but manage to win something haha... it was my 1st usher outing lo... expo de everything clash wif sth haha... maybe next time we can use the game in CG meetings haha... will noe explain the game here as later ppl cope... must keep some for backup u noe? XD will be posting photos if able to get it la haha
came to blog since i'm bored lol... actually wanted to post last few days de but lazy to type the website blogger.com in my address bar so no post haha.. today is my Math prelim paper 1... ok la the paper some hard some easy... was very fed up wif 1 particular question... it ask when will the 4 person meet each other in the market again... and it starts from 2 april... then i stupidly thought that cannot go to may or jun so i put a wrong ans... WAAA wan to fong diao liao -.- then went home early as after paper can go le and it ends at 10am. went to NP wif Da Jun lo... walk walk abit then went to look for Li Qi de bag but cant find... then went causeway find also no have haha... she suy lo... then while smsing Yi Min then found out her BD is on mon then went to buy her present also... haiz... sonn there is gonna have a hole in my pocket... still got so many thing to buy... haiz... then reach home cook noodle and alone at home now... mom went to clinic to see doctor... saiz...

photo took and edited on sun at T3 while celebrating Derrick's BD

the toy i like most in the toy fair...
anyone willing to get it for me as a present for my BD? lol... $200++
Leong Guowei
Northland Primary School
Chung Cheng High Yishun
City Harvest Church
Usher Ministry
Guitarist to be
-Going out with friens
Playing guitar
-Experimenting with Adobe Photoshop
-Attitude people
-LG KS20
-Upgrade computer
-New bag
-New Shoe
-New Cloths
-Pass my "N" Levels and go up to Sec 5
-New ear piece
-A guitar-
-Pass my "O" Levels and able to get about 10 points
-Know more friends
-Able to listen in class well
-Get a better acustic guitar
-Get a electric guitar
-Able to fulfil the building fund pledge
-Master my guitar and maybe can perform during Cg? XD
-Pass my "O" Levels and go to the poly course I wan
-Study regularly at home so that wont be so rush when exams comes
-Another new ear piece again
-Another new bag
-Complete reading the whole Bible>
-New Jeans
-Raise up in usher ministry
-A wallet
-The band we forming to master the instruments everyone is playing
-Creative Xi-Fi
-New Acoustic Guitar w emp
-An universal emp after i got either elec or acou guitar XD